Free Stories

After Gym Class Chapter 01
I was tired. It was the last period of the day, so at least the day would be over soon. I didn't sleep very well last night, still thinking about that jerk Josh and what he had said. "I really want someone who is more open to doing different things sexually," he had said. What the fuc... Read full Story
zNote: This story evolves around a "shemale" so there is some bi-sexuality in the telling of this tale. If that's not your cup of tea, then please, don't bother reading it. Thank you. Amsterdam My wife and I had flown over from the states to visit with her parents who lived there. I ... Read full Story
Showroom Part 2
I had rushed out of the showroom and quickly driven off, removing myself from her... him, hell I don't know what. It just seemed impossible that such a beautiful woman could... well could have been a man. Why didn't I see it? She seemed so natural, so seductive and so good at giving me a blow job. ... Read full Story
A wild adventure
I was driving down the Pacific Coast Highway one day in my pickup. It was sunny, and beautiful, a perfect California day. Only problem was the traffic. You could barely move. Still, you could hear the waves and the gulls and I was feeling good. I had noticed the blond in the convertable ... Read full Story
Carla Chapter 3
So, I reflected, I had quite a day ahead of me. Initially excitement coursed through me as I contemplated the evening to come, and the scope to explore the new extensions to my sexuality. I vividly recalled some moments of the time I had already spent with Carla, particularly it seemed, when I felt ... Read full Story
A Whole New Me
"Honey! Are you around?" I shouted from my room, rummaging through my drawers and naked from the shower. "What's up, sweetie?" My girlfriend, Lisa, popped her head around the bedroom door. Her eyes taking in my body and a cheeky smile forming on her pretty face "Oh, looki... Read full Story
Painted Laddie for Mr. R
Gabe had had many strange photography assignments for the eccentric, but very rich Mr. R, an avid collector or erotica, but this was perhaps the most challenging. The money was better than good, however, and when he’d put a little thought into it, Gabe saw little problem in the execution of th... Read full Story
Steam Room Surprise
Boring. That's how Steven defined his life, boring. Maybe it was a factor of being 18 years old and not having a car yet, but Steven couldn't help but feel like his life just sucked some times. Sure, he had a core group of good friends he hung out with on a regular basis, mostly the weekends. He als... Read full Story
Something For Everyone Part 2
Josh was the first of the three to wake up. He left the two women in bed and took a long hot shower. The water felt good as it cascaded over his body, and he soon found himself wondering what was going to happen next. The sex had been fantastic, but it wasn't what he had been expecting. He finally d... Read full Story
Can I Be This Lucky? Chapter 2
As we rode towards her place, she told me a little more of her story. Her name was Alex. She was one of those little boys who never felt right. She always liked playing with the girls, with dolls & dressing up. She always felt like a girl in a boys body. I totally remembered the boys we called &... Read full Story
A Job in the Theatre Chapter 19
"Be a dear and get that bag from the car," Paula winked. "Sure," Billy said stuffing his erection back inside his leather pants. He stood, and for just a moment, was right next to Gary, almost touching. Gary could feel the heat waffling off of Billy. He looked so obscene with ... Read full Story
Tranny Night Out
Tranny Night Out and One Kinky Session Guess I should start by explaining myself, as a young guy I always knew I was not the same as a lot of my friends and enemies for that matter, girls had no interest in me at all apart from ones who were long term friends. I knew something was wrong but neve... Read full Story
True story, TS 3-way
This is a true story. It was a typical night in Pattaya Thailand and I'm still recovering from the 25 hour flight from Tennessee to Bangkok that I flew just days before. After a few days in BKK, I arrange for a hotel car to me to Pattaya, a seedy explosion of lights, blaring music and drunken ... Read full Story
I am a sissy maid
Part 1 Around the end of my last high school year, my curiosity for crossdressing had just emerged, but I didn’t explore the fantasies too much as I thought it was just a phase. The following fantasy is something I have dreamed about for years… A friend of mine, Peter, was into the same video ... Read full Story
Glory hole surprise
I walked into the bookstore paid my way and went into the peeps; I usually avoid the theatres since there is not any privacy for playing. I guided my way in the dark letting my eyes adjust in the dark. I walked to the back where the stalls with the gloryholes are and found an open booth. I sa... Read full Story
The Best Shemale Cam Free Experience
He was nervous about going on that Shemale Cam Free website. He felt like his hands were shaking, but in reality they really weren’t. He created his username and he was ready to turn his webcam on. But first, he had to get ready. It took about half an hour when he finally decided he was rea... Read full Story
Service Station
I had pulled off the M6 for a much-needed brew and a pit-stop. It was just gone 3am and I was on my way home to Preston from a meeting in London. I slid into a parking space, grabbed my overnight bag, and went into the Travelodge, booked in for one night, got a key, and went up to my room. I d... Read full Story
Allison is Born
What a wonderful day this is. This is the first day of my new life but before that I should give you some history about me. My name is Allison, I am a 24 year old male that lives in a small town in Ohio. My father died when I was very young and I was raised by my mother. I guess you could say I am i... Read full Story
Jennifer & Alexia
I had exchanged emails and photos with Jennifer. She quickly answered the door and I noticed her plus size shape peeking through a sexy black teddy as she guided me in the room. As I stepped in the suite I saw the focus of my attention, Alexia. She was sitting on the hotel couch I was floored by her... Read full Story
Somewhere between the coastal towns of Sherringham and Cromer there is a small caravan site. Set on the side of a grassy slope are around half a dozen pitches with fine views around the organic farm on which its a part of. Normally this would be a delightful place to be but today....................... Read full Story
Barbie Jo Adventures Part 1
Halloween night It was agreed by all three of us that we would dress up as women and Wanda as a guy. So when I arrived by taxi and went into the house I was wild that I was the only one dressed up. I stood there, my face as bright red as the lipstick I had on while Peter, John and Wanda whistled ... Read full Story
For my Tgal Mistress
If one night You don't feel sl**py, that's the kind of thing i could do to help You with that: You'd be laying on Your bed, in pyjamas, ready for bed, but not sl**p. i would take Your pants off. First i'd put Your still soft cock in my mouth, feeling it grow bigger on my tongue and sucking it deep... Read full Story
Cum drenched afternoon
I was anticipating Marla's return from her work related trip out of town for a week. She was due to arrive around four in the afternoon. I wanted to make sure I was ready, so I spent the day preparing myself. I took a long hot bubble bath and made sure I was completely shaved. I sprayed on body spra... Read full Story
For my Tgal Mistress
If one night You don't feel sl**py, that's the kind of thing i could do to help You with that: You'd be laying on Your bed, in pyjamas, ready for bed, but not sl**p. i would take Your pants off. First i'd put Your still soft cock in my mouth, feeling it grow bigger on my tongue and sucking it deep... Read full Story
Ladyboy Lust
I had been watching ts porn and thinking about visiting an escort for a while, when I found myself working in London and actually got the oportunity. I had been checking out the London Eros guide on the internet and had called several tgirls when I came across Seri Atika's profile. I called he... Read full Story
My one and only wish...
I can't really explain it, but I love big, fat, juicy cock on a girl. Nothing in this world makes my dick harder than a rock hard cock bulging out of a girl's cum-filled panties. My only problem is, I've never been with a transsexual, but I've always been curious, very curious. ... Read full Story
Sweet Tranny Face sitting heaven
My stories are my experiences and memories I like to look back at from time to time.I have had some real to honest God sent blind tranny dates giving me some of my best and happiest moments in my life. As I recall this one time coming across this beautiful nubian goddesses personal ad on Craigs... Read full Story
Sally the Seducer
I had been chatting online with her for about a month and she finally asks me to stop by. My butterflies are churning in my stomach, as I have no real idea what to expect I have only seen tease pictures. You know the kind, no face barely a body part in the picture. I pulled up to the address s... Read full Story
The Vet
I had a sick cat and was really lucky when I was able to squeeze in an appointment with the vet right at the end of the day. I knew that I was pushing it but because I was so desperate to have her looked at after work, I begged on the phone and the receptionist checked with the vet who let me have a... Read full Story
Who Could Choose Between Shemales And Females?
I knew that this guy was one of those eccentric rich people who don’t really know what to do with themselves, and I was not really expecting an invitation to the party at his villa on the beach. But why not. I don’t refuse free drinks and other stuff that can make you happier about your ... Read full Story
Big Ones Go A Long Way
I’m fortunate that my line of work gives me the opportunity to travel and not to dumpy places but to cool ones like Frisco, Vegas, Atlanta, Miami, etc. Last week I was in Las Vegas for a few days for a convention and had some delightful extracurricular fun. While I like what I do for a l... Read full Story
I'm an ordinary guy, nothing special about me at all. Well, maybe my choice in women could set me apart from most. It all started one rainy afternoon in Northern California as I was driving home after a party I'd attended alone the day before. I'd stayed over at a friend's house and af... Read full Story
A New Beginning
It's not easy to accept the fact that I ruined my own marriage. A lot of guys ruin their marriage by cheating on their wives with some piece of ass that wasn't worth it in the first place. Not me, I ruined it by becoming one of those pieces of ass. From my earliest memories I knew I was supposed ... Read full Story
Snowy day
It’s a cold and snowy day…cocooning naked on the couch together with your sexy fairy….she is holding you and you can feel her tits on your back which gives you an instant hard on…but you can tell she want something. She whispers in your ear…I want your cock. She or... Read full Story
A Fine Summer's Day
"Hi," the woman called as she walked toward me. "Can I help you?" she asked. Shading my eyes from the glare of the sun on the water in the pool, I smiled and looked at her shapely body. "I'm looking for Karen or Rick. The girls in the front office told me they were out... Read full Story
Becoming a Woman
It was about six in the evening. An hour had passed since I came home from Walmart where I had been working for the past four years. The eight hour shift at cashier passed quickly. A large number of buyers came bye my register. My shower had been adjusted to the lukewarm temperature that I like a... Read full Story
A Weekend Together Chapter 2
The next day we were awoken by the phone ringing, it was Ben asking us to meet him at a restaurant on the beach at 5. I told him we would be there and couldn't wait to see him again. We got up and stripped down to get in the shower, we took off my boobs and she unlocked my cage saying if I touched i... Read full Story
'Day-uuuuum! She look so good, I'd suck her daddy's dick!' - r. pryor Boys' night out—worse yet, team's night out....the ballers—literally—had just finished a hard series, it was their time to unwind....a hard-drinking, loud lyin', cussin' snortin', absolutely womanizin' clique... Read full Story
An Unwelcome Visit
It had been over a year since I had split from my boyfriend, Rick. We had a terrible row in which he had accused me of seeing another man. He walked out, never to return. I had tried to give up wearing girls' clothes afterwards in an effort to become a 'normal' person and to try to blot out some bad... Read full Story
My Neighbor and I first time!
Recently I had a college student move into the apartment next to mine. He was small, shaggy blonde hair, without any facial hair, looks like ever. Skinny with little muscle tone. We started talking while he was taking a break. I told him the normal neighborly bs. Then I went on about my day. Seen hi... Read full Story
I met Vicki at a hook up site,she had an ad that caught my attention it went something like this "hispanic transexual looking for a serious relationship with an honest man",i read her ad and liked the fact that she was looking for a relationship and not just a one night stand,I`m very much... Read full Story
Shocking shemale surprise
I had been out with friends partying after a professional basketball game and reached my hotel around 12:00 I wasn't yet tired and not needed anywhere the next day I decided to call for a massage. I had an adult newspaper and really didn't read the add. I basically called the first number I came ... Read full Story
Charlotte has surprise for Marc
This is a story about a guy named Marc. Marc was a guy who always kept to himself. He was very athletic, and very well built. He loved watching films, playing video games, and recently being on his computer. Marc did this, because he felt that he could be himself around people who didn't see hi... Read full Story
Myweekend with Kelly part 7
This is a story about the LOVE of my life, a T-Gurl whom I'm gonna marry someday soon. I sat at the table while Kelly finished making breakfast.Kelly waked in with a plate that had a breakfast burrito, sausages, toast and a carafe of coffee. I asked her where her plate was. She sai... Read full Story
My Life as a Shemale Part8
It was on my way home when I decided not to tell Tim about Sin. This was very private and it was already bad enough that I knew, also, I had no idea what Tim might say or do. I did want to stay friends with her, now more than ever. It was friday morning, the day after Sin was ****d and I was eager ... Read full Story
My Affair With Jenny
I met Jenny online after I liked a sexy photo of her while beating off one day and left a comment. Shortly after she sent me a friend request and we begin exchanging hot emails. She was coming to my area and wanted to meet. I was really nervous I had been with my sexy TG girlfriend for 20 years and ... Read full Story
My perfect gangbang
The perfect scene, the dream fantasy , the TGurl slut dressed to the nine's, a 5 star hotel suite, a nice group of classy black gentlemen, educated and professional, way too many men, 10, 15, 20 of them and they all want their pleasure, they all showed up with their balls full and they expect s... Read full Story
Workers at my house
On a certain day I decided to have them do some paintings and refurbishments at home. The pipes had been broken, and the walls were in need of a painting. I contacted some companies and chose one of them, soon scheduled the trip two trowels to the house to make the budget. I love trowels and so b... Read full Story
A long fun weekend with Desi
I come over to your place after work on Friday evening. We are going over to one of your friends houses for a get together. I head home real quick and change clothed and get my bag for the weekend. I shoot you a text as I head out the door, "On my way". You are at home getting ready to go ... Read full Story
Angel Chapter 5
On Monday morning, Angel Jones woke up smiling and with a feeling of well-being. She was still feeling the effects of the great sex that she enjoyed Friday night and Saturday morning, and the plaudits of the people at the Friday dance at the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Association. She ... Read full Story
Angel Takes on Two Men
On the Friday after her experiences with Augustus and Peter, Angel attended the meeting of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Association, and found Gus and Kenny both in attendance. After the meeting, which was rather ordinary, they joined her, either of them giving the other rather stran... Read full Story
A Close Encounter of the...
Another great tape and another great yank of the crank. Yea, she-males were pretty hot, Tom thought as he hit the eject bottom on the tape deck, but where on earth would he really find one? He had little doubt that if he did find a place where they hung out that there would be more than a few with a... Read full Story
The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K
Miss K sat near her bedroom window in her pink silk robe, staring off into the late morning skyline in the distance while she held a cup of hot chocolate in one hand and ran the other through her waist length bleached blonde permed hair. The indirect sunlight lent the dark chocolate skin on her sili... Read full Story
SheMale Pussy and Cock
I once had a friend who always said "never fuck anything you can't bench-press". He was right, the biggest benefit of having sex with someone smaller and lighter than you is you can lift them easily ! On a recent trip to Thailand I couldn't take my eye's off a stunning, short, tiny but ... Read full Story
Discovering Mistress Sarah's World Part 5
Chapter 13 Sinking Deeper Into The Feminine World *** Prologue - Joe has made a trip down south to visit for the first time, his online Mistress. Over the past few years she has slowly feminized him with the help of Miss May. Upon his arrival at Mistress Sarah's house, she puts his feminization i... Read full Story
Discovering Mistress Sarah's World Part 7
Chapter 18 A Life Changing Decision Sunday morning was not much different than the day before for Josie. He woke-up on the floor outside Mistress Sarah's bedroom, dressed in a silk night-gown and his cock was hard and aroused when he awoke. Just like Saturday morning, he crawled into the bedroom.... Read full Story